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Where Can I Learn Assistant Editing For Beginners?

The resources below are for those of us who would like to learn more about Assistant Editing at a beginner's level. *Puts hand up.* I'm working my way through them at the moment and thought it would be great to have them in one place and so I thought why not add them to the blog?! I hope you enjoy reading them too.

I've created a new page called Resources, which is home to a bank of videos, books, articles and more split into into the following topics. Click on one below to go straight to the page.


Which resource are you going to check out? Have you got another one to add to the list? Let me know by commenting below! If you found these resources to learn Assistant Editing useful, you may also enjoy watching a webinar with 1st Assistant Editors on Breaking Into Post Production.

My one-to-one mentoring sessions are now open for booking! Are you a Student, Runner, Edit Assistant, Trainee or 2nd Assistant Editor who would like to learn the scripted workflow or refresh your skills? You can book your next session here.


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